So I say I bought the house yesterday but anyone who has bought a house knows, you don't buy one in a day. This was only my second full attempt to buy a house but there were a couple of "almosts." I'll get around to the first attempt and the almosts when it seems relevant. I "closed" on the house yesterday. That is, I got the cheapo but glorious Ace Hardware key in my grubby mits...yesterday.
Today I ripped the carpet out. It smelled like cat pee. I got a good deal on it. Sometimes when you get at good deal on stuff, it smells like cat pee. Don't judge. Now I probably smell like cat pee but the good news is that after spending a day in there, I can't tell the difference. But that was something that needed to be done immediately. I pretty much just went over there with a utility knife and a couple bottles of water and went at it. I didn't bring any cleaning supplies or anything else so I will be back tomorrow to try to eradicate what more I can of the smell. I'm hoping that made a good dent in it but there was a dubious corner that I think is going to need some attention.
My intent for this place is sure to change, randomly and often as I am a Libra and that's the way it is. The intent for this blog is to first, follow along with the remodel and second, whatever else I want to do with it. But for all intents and purposes, this house is projected to be my domicile for quite a while so while I plan on keeping an eye on the marketability of what I'm doing to it, I mostly am going to be setting it up to work best for the GF and myself. It will be modern - that is a given. It is a mid-century ranch although it is not in the "atomic ranch" style. It's traditional construction...block walls a trussed roof except for the "loft", which is a room constructed above the carport that makes it kind of a split level and is really the room that "makes" the house. That room has a cathedral ceiling with a couple of cross braces to counteract the spread. Still not post and beam, but it looks pretty cool.
Oh, uh, now would be a good time to inform you that this is my first-ever blog so I'm learning as I go and I have no idea if stuff is going to show up right or if I can edit it later (kinda seems like cheating) or whatever. So I apologize this once for all the dumb stuff I am about to do and I won't apologize again. Probably.
Anyway, I'd like the end product to be kind of slick but with some DIY touches to it as well. I like things that look constructed rather than purchased so I'm not concerned with it looking like a model home when I get done. One of my instructors would tell me "Vissitudes may occur" and that was supposed to be a good thing. I adhere to that wholeheartedly. I like to build things. I like to make things so this remodel is just one big long drawn out "thing." When you get into a project you inevitably find things along the way that turn it into something different, sometimes way different, than what you imagined when you start out and that part of the process is my favorite part. That and the part when everybody tells me I'm smart and cool.
So what did we learn? I have a ranch house. I think it's cool. I want to make it a modern architectural masterpiece. I smell like cat pee. Hope you are keeping up.
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